On April 17, 2025, the annual practical conference "Integrated Safety in the Fuel and Energy Complex" will be held in Moscow at the Escpocenter Central Exhibition Complex. This is a special day within the framework of the Eurasian Oil and Gas Forum (until 2025 – the National Oil and Gas Forum), which is traditionally held with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian Gas Society, the Union of Oil and Gas Industrialists of Russia, etc.
Among the key topics of the event are:
· building a highly efficient OTiPB management system;
· Leadership in OTiPB;
· development and implementation of a strategy for OTiPB;
· management decisions and communications in case of technological accidents;
· formation of a safety culture;
· digital solutions for OTiPB.
The conference will include:
• An open interview with the CEO of an oil and gas company about values, corporate ethics, standards of conduct, and safety culture;
• Two practical workshops: "Cultural evolution: experience and tools for developing a safety culture" and "Management decisions and communications in the event of technological accidents".
It is possible to get acquainted with the detailed program of the Conference and register for the event by contacting the organizing committee:
tel.: +7(495)640-34-64, e-mail: mail@oilandgasforum.ru .
The conference is organized by National Oil and Gas Forum LLC in cooperation with the Association of Industrial Safety Directors.